Users will now be able to share screen on Facebook Messenger
Users will now be able to share screen on Facebook Messenger
Users will now be able to share screen, The demand for video calling has increased due to the lockdown. Only after this, the screen share option has been given on Messenger.
Social media platform Facebook has announced the expansion of the Messenger app. Under this, the screen sharing option will now be given in Messenger. This option will be for both Android and iOS users. However, this option of screen sharing will be limited to the web version. Users will also be able to share their screen during video calling on the Messenger app. The screen sharing option will be for one on one video calling.
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Also, we will be able to use it in group video calling. With the help of these features, users will be able to share screens for many things like photo galleries, online shopping, and social media. Explain that the demand for video calling has increased due to the lockdown, due to which the option of screen share has been given on Messenger.
How will it go
The user must open the Messenger app and initiate a video call. Next, drag the bottom tab of the screen, where the Share Your Screen option will appear. After selecting the Share Your Screen option, the user’s phone screen will be visible to others.
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Android and iOS-based Messenger Rooms support screen share options for video calling for up to 16 people. Facebook launched Messenger Room as a new video calling feature similar to the video conferencing app Zoom and Skype. It supports video calling of up to 50 people at a time. Video calling can also be linked to a Facebook account. Facebook wants to increase the screen sharing limit of the messenger room from 16 people to 50 people. Also, the manufacturer can also provide an option to control who can share the screen. The producer can restrict the screen share option to himself or share it with the rest of the group.
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