Twitter is introducing Birdwatch tool, which will put a stop to fake news
Twitter is introducing Birdwatch tool, which will put a stop to fake news
Twitter is coming to market soon with a new tool called Birdwatch. Which will help in curbing fake news. Twitter is introducing Birdwatch tool, This tool is being introduced specifically to prevent misinformation from reaching people through social media.
The microblogging site is a very popular platform among Twitter users. Through this platform, people express their feelings and forward them to important issues. But the process of fake news continues on other social media platforms including Twitter. Some users also spread fake news on Twitter. In such a situation, the company is constantly trying to stop the transmission of misinformation on its platform. In this sequence, Twitter is going to introduce a new tool in the birdwatch market. This tool will help in controlling fake news.
Twitter continues working on “Birdwatch”, the crowdsourced misinformation combatting tool which they’ve confirmed working on yesterday
Here’s the first look of Birdwatch’s “Twitter Community” form, where users states and elaborates whether a tweet is misleading
Advertisement— Jane Manchun Wong (@wongmjane) October 3, 2020
Information about the new tool has also been shared by the company’s co-founder Kayvan Beypore. He has shared information on the new tool as well as some screenshots on his official Twitter account. In which a Twitter community form is given and there are some questions in the form. That is, if you are skeptical of a tweet, you can click on Add to Birdwatch. After this, you will be asked some questions.
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Twitter’s Birdwatch Tool
However, the company is yet to rollout Birdwatch. But with the screenshot coming out, it is being speculated that this feature is almost ready and it may be made available to the users soon. However, the company has not yet clarified whether the upcoming feature Birdwatch will be available to all users or will be offered only to news publishers.
By the way, according to a recently reported report, Twitter is working on a new feature. After which the way of messaging on Twitter will change completely. According to the report, Twitter has started testing voice direct messages and this feature will be first launched in Brazil. With the help of the new feature, users will be able to tweet 140 seconds of audio. Also, you can write your words in the text in 280 words.
How to use the birdwatch tool on Twitter?
According to the report, the Twitter Birdwatch tool is used to prevent people from accessing misinformation. Let us know that this Twitter birdwatch feature is the best upcoming feature of Twitter. In this birdwatch tool, the user can get added to a birdwatch button near the tweet. If you find a tweet to be fake, you can add this tweet as Birdwatch.
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For detecting fake news on social media platforms, this birdwatch tool is the best. Twitter’s Birdwatch tool is available on Twitter soon.
Will Twitter’s Birdwatch Tool be available to everyone?
So far no information has come from the official page of Twitter. The company has not yet announced whether the upcoming feature Birdwatch will be available to all users or only to news publishers.
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