New technologies are being created day by day. And the new technologies are growing very fast. Here are some Top 10 Technology To Learn in 2020. You must have learn these technologies if you want to start a career in technology in 2020.
There are many new technologies, but here we are discuss about Top 10 Technology To Learn in 2020. So let’s get started.
Top 10 Technology To Learn in 2020
1. Artificial Intelligence (AI)
2. Cyber Security
3. Internet of Things (IoT)
4. DevOps
5. Automation
6. 3D Printing
7. 5G Technology
8. Blockchain
10. Cognitive Cloud Computing
1. Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Artificial Intelligence is one of the best growing technology. It developed day by day and it is now best technology in this era. As compare to 2019, in 2020 Artificial Intelligence is going to grow even more. Nowadays, computers have brilliant skills to think, examine, and study without any human involvement. This is only possible by the help of Artificial Intelligence (AI).
In this current technological world, number of contributions of AI can be seen, Google Assistant is the best example for it.Methods of recording emotion through active computing are also possible via AI.
Microsoft announced that AI for business in the United Kingdom have already seen a 5 percent increase in efficiency, quality and business results relative to others. In 2020, marketers should be obsessed with AI for these reasons alone.
There are many advantages of AI that not be able to explain. In 2020 It will be on first place in technology.
Some Key Features :
Face Recognition
Data Analysis
Cyber Security
Emotion Bot
2. Cyber Security
Cyber Security is very important in today’s life. It is a rising technology. You also can see in the technology trends. In 2020, Cyber Security will growing very fast. And it can be on top of all technology.
Now a question must be coming in your mind that, “Why Cyber Security is in trending technology?”. The reason is many hackers are trying to steal data of others. To secure the data hardest security action must required, for that Cyber Security is a trending technology.
Now a days, there are more opportunities for hackers and cyber terrorists to target big business, and any govt work. The organisation are paying lot of money to who can protect their data from the cyber terrorists.
This technology even more growing in upcoming year in a huge percentage.
Some Key Features :
High Demand
Huge salary
3. Internet of Things (IoT)
Internet of Things (IoT) is in top 10 technology to learn in 2020. In this technology era IoT is popular and used by millions of people. This is the reason why IoT is growing. In future IoT will soon establish a strong place in the technology. It will connect each object to the internet in some time.
With the help of Iot, this technology world would soon turn into smart nature. Learn IoT is not much difficult and outcome of performance would be better day by day.
Who want to start a business on the IoT technology this is the right time for it. Because This technology grow in very fast.
Some Key Features :
4. DevOps
DevOps growth has already made high in past few years. In 2020 it is continue widely in the industries. That’s why DevOps is coming under top 10 technology to learn in 2020.
Devops is a viewpoint that combines process and development. Also various tools to enable cooperative change. There are many companies who are relying on DevOps concept. For example : Amazon, Facebook, Google, etc.
Some Key Features :
Serverless Architecture
Save time
Robust Workflow
5. Automation
It is very surprising that Automation is in the top 10 technology in 2020. There are many technologies are there but from that Automation is coming to the top 10 technology.
It is nothing but combination and coordination of two super technologies of this era. That two technologies are RPA and Machine Learning. Not more companies are using Automation now but after some year it will be used by more companies.
There are many companies manage automation. For ex : Banking, Manufacturing, and Software companies. So, Automation is growing very fast. It growing this way in the next year also.
Some Key Features :
Combination of RPA and Machine Learning
Used by more companies in few year
Growing fast
6. 3D Printing
3D Printing Technology is a revolutionizing technology. This is one of the technology which is growing fast and will be seen in future. So in 2020 this 3D Printing technology is must learn technology in the year 2020.
It will completely change the face of Healthcare, Manufacturing, and Construction. It is expected to grow in a 23.5% every year. Some brand such as Bugatti, Audi, BMW, Adidas are already on there way to use 3D printing in the future.
Some Key Features :
Revolutionizing technology
Growth rate is more
7. 5G Technology
By the time of 2020, the whole world would be under the lightning-fast internet connection. Plus, don’t forget about all the benefits that are attached to it. Learn this technology in 2020 is very important for you.
There is no doubt that the 5G network will soon find its place in the technology world in this era. It will also bring a huge amount of benefits, such as high internet speed. Such benefits are bound to make it one of the major technological trends to be observed in 2020 and even in the upcoming years.
The latest estimates point to 2020 as the year in which completely integrated 5G networks will start to reach the market and offer unimaginable coverage rates.
Some Key Features :
Internet Speed
Higher Capacity
Lower Latency
8. Blockchain
Blockchain is the top technology to learn in 2020. In the future Blockchain is growing in a fast rate.
Blockchain can be defined as data that you will be able to add, but not possible to change or take away. You will not be able to modify the previous blocks and that’s how your data is secured through this wonderful technology.
Many companies made a continuous investment in this technology and faced many positive real-world results. The launch of Facebook’s own Blockchain-based crypto in 2020 is the best example of the success of Blockchain and it is a best example of this technology.
In 2020, Blockchain would help you in sharing the records safely, upgrading the supply chain management, fraud prevalent, and streamline accounting.
Some Key Features :
Growth rate is high
Economical Companies
Financial Companies
DARQ is a future technology pattern, consisting of other big technologies. It is consider to be a catalyst for change in the post digital world.
9 out of 10 businesses are experimenting with one or more DARQ technologies. DARQ is growing in a very fast rate. This is the reason why this technology is must learn in 2020.
Cognitive Cloud is an extended ecosystem. It is due to this that we can deploy Cognitive Cloud applications and solutions. It is one of the next big technology in the IT industry. Also it can converses in natural language and helps in decision making by understanding the complexity of big data.
It is expected to generate revenue of $13.8 billion by the year 2020. Big companies such as IBM, Microsoft and Google are already investing in this next generation technology. This is the reason why this technology is in the top 10 technology ti learn in 2020.
Some Key Features :
High Revenue
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