Tips to Speed Up Your Windows 10 Performance
Tips to Speed Up Your Windows 10 Performance
Today we going to show you, Tips to Speed Up Your Windows 10 Performance. This is a complete step by step tutorial which will help you to boost your Windows 10 PC. And don’t worry it can be applied to any Windows 10 PCs regardless of whatever hardware configuration you have. So without further ado, let’s get started! Tips to Speed Up Your Windows 10.
Step 1: Enable Storage sense to save space
Storage sense is a great feature that will help you to make more space on your computer. It can achieve this by automatically getting rid of files you don’t need anymore. Like the temporary files and contents in your recycle bin, it can even make more room by deleting the previous version of your windows 10 files. It is definitely worth to be included in the performance category because the more space you clean. The less leggy your windows 10 will become or we can say it will become more responsive.
Go to your windows settings, as always press windows key + I on your keyboard, now head over and open the first menu which is System. Now navigate to storage sub-menu, and simply enable the Storage sense option. Now Windows 10 will be automatically cleaning your unwanted files, so you can have that peace of mind.
Step 2: Startup Apps
A startup program is a program or application that runs automatically after your system has booted up normally. Previously it was managed from your task manager. And it’s still available there, but on windows10 it’s much easier than before. Head over to your windows settings, and for that, you can press Windows key + I on your keyboard, otherwise. You can go to the start menu and click on the gear icon. Anyway once you hear head over to the apps menu. Now navigate to the Startup sub-menu and there you will see all the apps or programs which are running in the background every time you have booted up your system.
Background apps are useful only if you use them on a regular basis. While it’s running in the background Minimized to your system tray it can appear faster when you need them compared to other apps or programs in that case. Or we can say it this way, background apps are already launched and waiting for your call.
But beware it is also using your valuable system resources, like your ram, processing power, etc. Which will bring a great negative impact on your windows performance! So by disabling them from an automatic startup you can free up a lot of your system resources. This means that you can get more performance for your other applications in need. Also, it will cause faster boot-ups. So let’s go ahead and disable every app or program which you rarely or not at all using. I hope you have done that, so let’s jump to another step.
Step 3: Reduce Recycle bin limit
Don’t even think it’s a simple thing, the recycle bin plays a huge part in your system stability. Because it’s using the storage of your System drive or in which drive your Windows 10 was installed in. Normally recycle bin default limit would be 100 gigs and think if you’re the person how never clears your recycle bin. All your deleted files will be kept in your recycle bin until it reaches a hundred gigs. And all these 100 GBs of storages using from your system drive. You know what if your system drive is full or kind of full your windows will become leggy or unresponsive. It’s a fact if you want you can check that yourself.
So this is another way to always keep your c drive unexhausted. I hope you understand the point of limiting the data that your recycle bin can store. So, Go to your recycle bin desktop icon, right-click on it, now choose properties. Now go to customize the size, as you can see it is written in MBs. So let’s dial in 10000 or 15000 which will set you to recycle bin limit to 10 or 15 GBs. Now click apply. And you’re done.
Step 4: Better Power plan
You may not hear about the term power plan in windows before unless you are an advanced user. So let me tell you a short brief about the power plan before changing it to a new one. So that you can understand how much of a performance jump you will get just by changing your power plan on your Windows 10 PC.
Normally we have 3 different power plans available in the windows by default and those are balanced high performance. And power saver power plans, the default power plan choice of the windows would be the balanced option. So if you check for the currently enable power plan on your control panel it would be the balanced option. For a quick boost, you can quickly choose the high-performance power plan. It may also be hidden under the additional plans tab, so be sure to check there as well.
Hidden Power Plan
But wait we have a more powerful power plan hidden inside the Windows 10 itself. So let me tell you how to enable that one. And I’m pretty sure that you don’t need more explanations about the other three power plans. They are pretty much self-explanatory. So let’s focus on the fourth one, the hidden power plan which is the ultimate power plan option. It is the most powerful plan amongst the available power plans, as well as It is a great choice If you are really serious about your computer hardware performance. Especially if you are the person who does some heavy workloads or hardcore gaming on the system. I only recommend this for the power users and you won’t go to find it in here until we do a little trick.
So let’s go ahead and unveil the hidden monster, the ultimate power mode. Go to your start button, right-click on it, and it will bring this short menu Now go ahead and pick this Windows PowerShell (admin) option, it is important to pick the PowerShell with the admin rights, So keep that in mind. Now type in this entire command line to the Power Shell and press enter on your keyboard. The PowerShell command line is below, copy & paste this.
powercfg -duplicatescheme e9a42b02-d5df-448d-aa00-03f14749eb61
So be sure to check there as well. Now you can see it’s says something… something…Then Ultimate performance in here. That means we are successfully unlocked our new and Powerful power plan in Windows 10. So let’s head over to the Power option settings in the control panel. Just go to your start menu search box and type in Choose a power plan, now click it. And here we are in the control panel power options window.
As you can see here we have the new and unlocked power plan the ultimate performance option. So quickly choose it as your new default and we haven’t done yet. We have to show one more thing about your new power plan, so it could become even more useful. It’s nothing about boosting the performance further but to control it furthermore as the way you please.
Go ahead and click on the change plan settings for the ultimate performance power plan, and from here choose change advanced power settings. This will open a small window, and this whole list of options will be revealed to you so that you can make furthermore adjustments to your new power plan. For example, you can control the processor power where you can dial in your preferred performance for your processor in between its minimum or maximum state. And you can go to the power button and lid option and change your computer’s power button’s behavior. You can program it to do any of these following tasks. And whenever you press them it will act accordingly. Play around with these settings and you might find more useful things.
Step 5: Bloatware removal
Bloatware is simply mean unwanted software or application included by the manufacturer when you buy a new computer. And usually, this happens when you buy laptops, and in most cases, they will only available for a trial period, so many of them are rarely a useful or total waste. And the most disappointing fact is that it will also take a part of our valuable storage as well, so let’s head over and get rid of every unwanted bloatware.
So go to settings press windows key + I on your keyboard and this time, go to apps, now navigate to Apps & features submenu, now find the bloatware, once you found, click uninstall, and click it again and there we go. Now do this to every other bloatware and you’re done.
Step 6: Disable User Account Control
Windows do always want to warn you whenever you install a program or change an important setting by popping up a dialog box and making you click ok to continue. Do you ever think why even bother about warning you, when you already know what you’re doing? Great question. Just Disable User Account Control to end this endless annoying pop dialog boxes, and feel the flow. To do that, search user account control in your search box near the start button. Now click on change user account control settings, which will bring you to this window.
Now slide this bar all the way down to never notify, now click ok and just see the warning pop for one last time. Click ok to continue and there we go no more warnings. And let me tell you this particular step may note increase your performance, like the other steps on the video, but it makes things seem a little bit faster. So only do if you want.
Step7: Windows Updates
I know it sounds silly, but an outdated system may cause serious performance issues. So it’s the thing that you should take into consideration if you are looking for serious performance out of your windows 10 PC. So let me tell you how to do that as fast as possible if you are a newbie to Windows 10.
Just press windows key + I on your keyboard which will launch the windows settings and from here, go to Update & Security, now under the submenu ‘Windows update’, you will find a button called to check for update, click on it, and it will be checking for the newest windows updates and will be installed automatically if anything available. In case if you don’t know, it might require system restart in order to get the new update in its full effect.
Step 8: Clean C Drive
Disk cleanup is windows default utility which helps to clean unnecessary files from your local disks, It can be used to clean any of your local disks, but we are showing you how to clean your C drive, and as we said cleaning up your c drive will definitely have a positive impact on your system performance. So let me show you how to do that, real quick, go to the search box and search Disk cleanup and click on it. This will open up the tiny little Window.
From here choose the C drive and click ok, and you will see this window, as you can see there is already some of the items are ticked to be cleaned by default, if you want you can go with the defaults, but we are selecting each and every item listed here.
And once you did that click on the Clean up system files button under here. Now it will run a quick scan, and once it finished, you can see it founds some more unwanted items, so scroll down and tick through them all, once you did click ok, and you will be asked! Are you sure you want to permanently delete these files? So click on delete files and you will be freed from all of those junks from your C drive collected over the years.
Step 9: Speedup Shutdown
It is true that over the years windows have improved and changed dramatically. It can boot up pretty much fast as well. But when it comes to shutdown or restart your modern windows 10 computer will take time. But if you have used by any chance a windows PC two decades ago, it can shut down as soon as you hit its power button. It is because nowadays Windows have to wait a long time before exiting any programs you have running. And sometimes Windows 10 even stop and waiting for you, until you force the application to close.
Start Speedup:
It could be even a notepad in which you have written something and forget to save and exit. So let me show you how to speed up your windows 10 shutdown time real quick. Right-click on your start button and choose Run from the menu, Now type in Regedit (R E G E D I T)and click ok, which will bring you to the Registry Editor on your Windows 10. Now go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SYSTEM, Current Control Set, Control. Now navigate to ‘Wait to kill service timeout’ double click on it.
Set the value data to 2000, it is the amount of time in milliseconds which your windows will wait to kill an unresponsive service. And we are not recommending to set that value anywhere below 2000 because it might cause issues. Now navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Control Panel, Desktop, Now right-click somewhere here and go to a new string value and name it Wait To Kill App Time Out Without space in-between and set the value to 2000.
On the same location create another string value, and name it Hung App Timeout and set the value to 2000. Now create and string and name it Auto End Tasks and set its value to 1, click ok, close the registry editor, and hope you have achieved a better speedup time for shutdown as well.
Above all of the steps I mentioned, I recommend one more thing to do, but it is not a software-related thing. To increase your windows 10 performances further, upgrade your computer hard drive with an SSD, and don’t worry you can pick one up for as low as $50. Any SSD on the market will be at least 5 times better than your regular hard drives on your computer.
Which will boost your windows 10 performance furthermore? Even better loading times, less time to boot up. And your computer will definitely become more responsive just by upgrading this simple thing. Even without an SSD upgrade, all of the above-mentioned tricks are valuable and worth doing. It will definitely boost your system performance, about the SSD which I only said because. If you don’t know the best and cheapest hardware upgrade to boost up your Windows 10 experience.
Follow these simple Tips to Speed Up Your Windows 10 performance. These tips will very helpful to you, Tips to Speed Up Your Windows 10.
Hope these Tips to Speed Up Your Windows 10 which I showed in the article will definitely increase your windows 10 performance. As well as hope you will comment on your experience below of Tips to Speed Up Your Windows 10. It might help the views come after you. So that’s how you can speed up your windows10 PC.
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